

let’s be honest…

Even under the best circumstances, divorce and child-related litigation sucks. It is difficult, confusing, and - if there is a “high-conflict,” domestic violence, or mental health component - can be absolutely terrifying. I am here to help you plan your strategy, defend yourself from slander, educate your attorneys, maintain your well-being, and come through this difficult time with your and your children’s sanity and spirit intact.

Please call for a complementary 15 minute consultation. If you decide you need more time, my fee is $120 per 50 minute session.

You are free to use your time however YOU feel is most beneficial for you. My services include text and phone support, consulting with your attorney, and generally uplifting you through the process, as well as writing detailed parenting plans, attending hearings and mediation, and providing information and guidance regarding the many professionals who may be involved in your case.